
Showing posts from August, 2021

amiti box

  QA Engineer Test link (25.8.21)   (not shared)   Switch account   Candidate Name Your answer Email Id Your answer Contact No. Your answer 1. Identify the correct xpath for the sample html code:<input class="button_r4wideprimary" type="submit" id="LoginIdwideprimary" name="Login"> a) //input[contains(@class, ’wideprimary’)] b) //*[contains(@id, ’LoginIdwide’)] c) All the above. d) None of the above 2. Identify of the xpath from the html code for the second element of the unordered list (<li name=”item2”>Css</li>, assuming that the parent (div tag) is having a dynamic value for locator Id. a) //li[@name=’item1’]/following-sibling::li b) //li[@name=’item1’]/li[1] c) //li[@name=’item1’]/following-sibling::li[2] d) //ul[@name=’item1’]/li/li 3. Identify the correct syntax for Fluent Wait? A B C D 4. Name the Java collection framework used to store window ids. a) Array b) List c) Set d) Dequeue 5. How...