java chapter11 practice question on abstruct class and interfaces
/* Chapter 11 - Practise Set 1... Create an abstract class Pen with methods Write () and refill 1) as abstract methods 2... Use the Pen Class from Q1 to create a Concrete class fountain Pen with additional method change Nibl) 3...Create a class Monkey with jump () and bitel) methods. Create a class Human which inherits this Monkey class and implements Basic Animalinterface with eati) and sleep methods. 4.... Greate a class Telephone with ring() liftus and disconnect ( methods as abstract methods Create another class Smart Telephone and demonstratepolymorphism 5.....Demonstrate polymorphism Msing monkey class from Quess 3. 6.......Create an Interface TV Remote and use it to inheritanother Interface Smart Tv Remote 7...... Create a Class Tv which implements Tv Remote interface qsn 6 */ package ; //programe 1 abstract class Pen { abstract void Write (); abstract void Refill (); } //programe 2 class FountainPen extends Pen { void ...