java practical interface


interface ---aker besi impliment kora jay kintu class aktai extend
kora jay.
abstruct----onek interfaceko aksathe implement kore class bananno jaya
also akta class extend kora jay.



interface Bicycle{
int a =50;
void applybreak(int decrement);
void speedup (int increment);

interface HornBicycle{
void blowHornk3g();
void blowHornk1g ();
class avoncycle implements Bicycle,HornBicycle{
void blowhorn(){
System.out.println("pee pee poo poo.tujhe dekha to yeah jana sanam");
//----------interface method alway public------
public void applybreak(int decrement){
System.out.println("apply break");
public void speedup (int increment){
System.out.println("applyying speedup");

public void blowHornk3g(){
System.out.println("pe pe pe pe kavi khusi khavi gam");
public void blowHornk1g (){
System.out.println("mya hu na po po po po");

public class cwh_chapter11_interfaces {
public static void main(String[] args) {
avoncycle cycleharry=new avoncycle();

//but you can not create propeties in interface----------
//you cannot modify the properties in interfaces as their final


//multiple inheritance is not supported in java
when there exist method with same signature in both super class.
java does not support multiple inheritance directory but similar
concept can be achieved usuing interface
a class can implement multiple interfaces and extend
a class at the same time




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