
1.check the systax

2.goes to interpretor ,where code is line by line executed,then goes to correct,compiler (inbuild)

pvm-python virtual machine

        complete dextop application ,use data science ,use for security purpose

list(change var),tupple( dont change var ,url),dict,set(random element,not duplicate element),

if you want to count the duplicate element in the set ,then you have yon  convert the set into list ,we can reverse set object

set method and curly bracket(())

python-is a script based high level programming language ,

python is a object oriented (when we use class and object,dextop application)and procedural oriented language (when we use function,provide securityand reusability concept )

python has destructor,(obect not point any reference,

pickling and unpickling concept in python((byte stream to object,roarmethod)(object to byte stream,dumb))

data obstruction in python(use when essential information and hide some essential information )

[ private(__) obstruction,public,protected(_)inheritance]

default scope(public)

self keyword(define current object,instance type)

raise keyworduser defined exception)

binary file of python(file handling,[f=open,file name,wb+))

binary file 0, format

text file(chanrecter format)

ascii code of 0-1(

ascii code of a-z

check leapyear(y/4,&y/400,y!/100)

python does not support switch statement(if else statement)ternary operation we can implement condition statement without if-else statement


predefined exception



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