





BAU- Test Plan – Nordstrom FSM Federation Bronze Layer









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Revision and Signoff

Change Record




Change Reference

06 Oct 2021

Santhosh Jadala


Initial draft
















Version Reviewed





























1       Test Plan Summary. 3

2       Objectives. 3

3       Scope. 3

3.1       In Scope. 3

3.2       Out of Scope. 3

4       Test Strategy. 3

5       Test Stages. 5

6       Risks and Assumption. 5

6.1       Risks. 5

6.2       Assumptions. 5

7       Schedule. 5

8       Test Team.. 6

9       Test Environment. 6

10        Testing Deliverables. 6

11        Quality Criteria. 6

11.1         Entry and Exit criteria. 6

11.2         User Acceptance criteria. 7

12        Tracking and Reporting Status. 7

13        Bug Reporting Tools and Methods. 7

13.1         Bug Reporting Tool Strategy. 8

13.2         Bug Classification Strategy. 8

13.3         Bug Triage Strategy. 9

13.4         Bug Closure Criteria. 10










1     Test Plan Summary

This document defines the overall approach, strategy and the plan that will be taken to test scoped BAU requirements of Nordstrom FSM Federation of Bronze layer. It identifies the scope of testing, the goals, objectives and the various testing approaches to be followed. Reading this artifact will provide a complete understanding of the way this project will be tested.

2     Objectives

The objective of this document is to communicate:

·       Test Strategy

·       Test Approach and Techniques

·       Test Environment Specifications

·       Testing Processes

·       Test Reporting   

3     Scope

3.1       In Scope


Requirements - Azure DevOps 

User Story 6462: FSM-Bronze Setup Nordstrom - Boards (

User Story 6595: FSM-Federated accounts and Table sync process - Boards (


·       Verifying DSN login configured in package used to sync data

·       Testing list of tables in ODS_NS_BZ database matches with mapping table

·       Testing data loaded into tables of ODS_NS_BZ database after data sync is having specific data of Nordstrom

·       Testing of views created for fetching data from Global database (ODS_SN_FSM) are having Nordstrom filter



3.2      Out of Scope

·       Performance testing of data load

·       Functionalities other than scoped items

4     Test Strategy  

The test strategy for UCARE application is summarized in below:

·       Test Team will review the project artifacts like Functional specifications, Design Documents and Mapping Documents. Analyze various applicable test approaches and will come up with a test strategy/plan document to detail out relevant testing aspects.

·       Test team will prepare test cases based on the functional specifications and design documents for each module, for all the functional and non-functional requirements.

·       The approach behind testing is risk-based testing wherein all test cases are prioritized and classified according to criticality in functionality.  The test cases will be classified as P1, P2, P3 and P4 (P1 being highest priority and P4 being lowest priority). This classification is based on the criticality of the functionality that is being tested.

·       A subset of P1 test cases will be identified as BVT (Build Verification Test). The BVT test cases suite would be reviewed by Development lead to ensure the functional coverage and effective build acceptance criteria.

·       Test case priority, % of the total test cases and definition is given below-


Test Type




5-10 %

Part of P1 test cases. All build certifying, smoke tests, high level sanity test cases.



Test cases of Main or Important module & Frequently performed business scenarios



Test cases of Non – Core & Frequently performed business scenarios



Test cases of Non – Core & non-frequently performed business scenarios



Test cases pertaining to nice to have, cosmetic genre, like spellings & rare scenarios

Note that actual P1, P2, P3 and P4 test cases % could vary during the course of the test case planning.

·       Requirement traceability matrix will be generated, mapping each requirement to test case, demonstrating the coverage of the test. The traceability details will help the team to assess regression impact.

·       On receiving build, test team will execute applicable build verification tests. On Successful Build verification, execute system tests on the interim build of the completed modules in the interim build  

·        The identified BVT test cases will be considered as automation candidates. A detailed feasibility analysis will be performed to determine the automation scope and ROI.   

5     Test Stages

Below table summarizes various test stages for UCARE application along with associated ownership details:

Test Type






Unit Testing

Documenting and executing unit test cases are the responsibility of the developers.





System Testing

System Testing focuses on the functionality meeting the design.





User Acceptance Testing (UAT)

User functionality of key real-world scenarios.






6     Risks and Assumption

6.1     Risks

·       Dedicated QA environment is not in place and using the DEV/UAT environment based on availability for testing  

6.2     Assumptions

Following are the assumptions in this project:

·       Customer/Business approval of functional specifications is considered final.  If changes of functionality are discovered during testing or UAT testing it could result in delay in schedule.

·       Requirements discussed and documented in the User Stories would be developed as per plan.

·       Test environment availability is important to meet testing requirements and will be available at the start of the stabilization period along with access credentials.


7     Schedule

The high-level test activities and timing are depicted in the table below.



Planned Start Date

Planned Completion Date

Sprint 63

Test Case Design



Sprint 63

Test Case Review



Sprint 63

Test Execution




Test Sign Off




Based on the subsequent sprints, the start date and end date will be planned.

8     Test Team



Santhosh Kumar Jadala

Test Lead

Baven Babu


9     Test Environment

For Nordstrom FSM Federation Bronze layer testing, using UAT as test environment.

10          Testing Deliverables

The following test deliverables will be shared with team:

Project Phase

Service Deliverable Name

Service Deliverable Descriptions


Test Plan/Strategy

Captures the test strategy and execution plan needed to validate stability in the solution.


System Test Cases

Entire set of Test cases will be delivered.


System Test Report


Report listing all details of System Test execution along with Go/No-Go recommendation by the test team will be shared.



11          Quality Criteria

11.1 Entry and Exit criteria

To achieve compliance to planned testing activities it is imperative that entry and exit criteria are defined and signed off from respective delivery owners. The Exit criteria for a phase is same as Entry criteria for next phase and hence is not mentioned explicitly.

Following are the Entry Criteria identified for testing phases.


QA Testing Entry Criteria

Following criteria should be met for entry into testing phase




Entry Criteria



Requirement document describing complete details




Development of all planned features for the package is completed.

Code review is complete.

Unit testing is complete



Creating Azure DevOps Test Plan with Suites

Prepare test cases with linking to user story so that test traceability is complete

Test Plan is signed off by the team



Test Environment is ready and test data is available.


QA Testing Exit Criteria

Following criteria should be met to exit QA & enter to UAT

·       100% system test execution by Test team for all the delivered features.

·       List of Known issues is made available to team.

·       UAT environment ready.

·       Zero S1/S2 defects.

11.2  User Acceptance criteria

The following are the high-level acceptance criteria identified:

·       The system will have met all the major business functionality and all of the high priority requirements are covered.

·       The system will have 0 S1/S2* defects.

*(S1 defect: Showstopper or Critical defect for the End user or the Business. The solution is unusable to conduct business for the end users. Development, testing, or production launch cannot proceed until the defect is corrected. S2 defect: 1.     Major defect for the End user or the Business. The solution is usable.)

12          Tracking and Reporting Status

Test team will send a test status report daily during testing of the application.


13  Bug Reporting Tools and Methods

Azure DevOps has been chosen as the defect/bug reporting tool.

Bug Life Cycle :



13.1  Bug Reporting Tool Strategy

·       All defects are verified and then closed by Testers. 

·       All bugs must include:

o   Clear repro steps

o   The results of the repro steps

o   The expected results of the steps

o   A detailed summary of the issue

o   Severity

o   Priority

o   When updating a bug always provides extra detail (pretend that someone completely new to the system is reading your bug and can’t ask you questions about it).




13.2  Bug Classification Strategy

Bug Severity:

DevOps Severity

Description of Severity


1.     Showstopper or Critical defect for the End user or the Business. The solution is unusable to conduct business for the end users.

2.     Development, testing, or production launch cannot proceed until the defect is corrected.

3.     Critical business functionality or feature of the system is affected.

4.     There is no work around or the existing workaround is cumbersome.

5.     More than 75% of User acceptance tests or System tests are blocked


1.     Major defect for the End user or the Business. The solution is usable.

2.     Major Business functionality or feature of the system is affected.

3.     There is work around.

4.     30% - 75 % of User acceptance tests or System tests are blocked.


1.     Minor defect for the End user or the Business.

2.     Minor Business functionality or feature of the system is affected.

3.     There is work around.


1.     Work around is not needed or the end user can live with the defect.

2.     Less than 5% of User acceptance tests or System tests are blocked.


Bug Priority:


Description of Priority


Showstopper defect. Content migration approach must be altered to rectify issue.

Must fix as soon as possible. Defect is blocking further progress in establishing content migration approach.

Production-focused content migration activities cannot begin until issue is resolved and retested to conclusion.


Defect must be fixed prior to moving to production-focused content migration approach.

Does not affect Proof of Concept test plan execution for this Quick Start engagement.


It is important to correct the issue; however, it is possible to move forward with this content migration strategy using a workaround for this particular issue.

Does not impact content migration strategy (i.e., message change in user experience program).


Design change from original concepts.


13.3  Bug Triage Strategy

Bug triage meetings within Team will be scheduled on need basis during test execution to discuss the bugs with all the stakeholders for better communication and faster resolution. Discussions should center on deciding relevance, priority, and severity of bugs.

·       System Testing

·       UAT Testing

13.4  Bug Closure Criteria

A bug is closed when:

·       Bug is verified by test team and is working as expected

·       Bug is no longer an issue.

·       Bug is resolved as by design.

·       Bug will not be fixed.

·       Bug is not reproducible.

·       Bug is deferred for next release.

·       Bug is duplicate.


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